The Declaration of Independence of the so-called State

David Ben-Gurion declaring the birth of Israel

Having carried out their massacres and having expelled over 725,000 Palestinians from their homes, and while the UN General Assembly was considering the Trusteeship Plan for Palestine, 37 Zionist leaders representing Zionist parties worldwide hurried to meet at 4:00 PM on Friday, May 14, at the Tel Aviv Museum on Rothschild Boulevard in Tel Aviv to sign what they called a “Declaration of Establishment of The State of Israel” in the land of Palestine which they referred to (and still do) as Eretz-Israel. This biblical name encompasses a land of indefinite geographical extension depending on which version of the Hebrew Bible you read. This bestowed 'religious legitimacy' to acquire land to satisfy Zionist appetite. 

Of the 37 Zionist leaders who gathered for this proclamation, the oldest was 82, the youngest not yet 30. Three became prime ministers, one became president, and 14 became cabinet ministers. 

Of these 37 Zionists, only 1 was born in Palestine.

Of the remaining 36 Zionists, 13 were born in Russia, 11 in Poland, 2 in Romania, 2 in Germany, 2 in Latvia, 2 in Lithuanian, 1 in Austria, 1 in Hungary, 1 in Denmark and 1 in Yemen. Most of them migrated to Palestine between 1920 and 1940. One of them came to Palestine only in 1947.

We name 35 of the signatories to give credence to this project which started back in 1897:

David Ben-Gurion (1886-1973), Daniel Auster (1893-1962), Mordekhai Bentov (1900-1985), Yitzhak Ben-Zvi (1884-1963), Eliyahu Meir Berligne (1866-1959), Perez (Fritz) Bernstein (1890-1971), Rachel Cohen (1888-1982), Eliyahu Dobkin (1898-1976), Rabbi Wolf Gold (1889-1956),   Meir Grabovsky (Argov) (1905-1963), Abraham Granott (Granovsky) (1890-1962), Yitzhak Gruenbaum (1879-1970), Rabbi Kalman Kahana (1910-1991), Eliezer Kaplan (1891-1952), Sa'adia Kobashi (no dates available), Moshe Kol (Kolodny) (1911-89), Rabbi Yitzhak Meir Levin (1894-1971), Zvi Lurie (1906-1968), Rabbi Yehudah Leib Maimon (Fishman) (1875-1962), Golda Meir (Myerson) (1898-1978), Avraham Nissan (Katznelson) (1888-1956), Nahum Nir-Rafalkes (1884-1968), David Zvi Pinkas (1895-1952), Moshe David Remez (1886-1951), Berl Repetur (1902-1989), inhas Rosen (Felix Rosenblueth) (1887-1978), Zvi Segal (1901-1965), Moshe (Hayyim) Shapira (1902-1970), Mordechai Shattner (no dates available), Moshe Sharett (Shertok) (1894-1965), Behor Shalom Shitrit (1895-1967), Ben-Zion Sternberg (1894-1962), Meir Vilner-Kovner (1918-2003), Zerah Warhaftig (1906-2002), Aharon Zisling (1901-1964).

Most of Israel’s elected prime ministers, past and present, belonged to, or are known to be members of terrorist organisations in their heyday.

Their so-called Declaration was couched in legal and civilised phrases to give it legitimacy. For a detailed account of how this Declaration was agreed, please refer to Shelley Kleinman's article on Israel's Ministry of FA website:

It said that the state of Israel will ensure complete equality of social and political rights to all its inhabitants irrespective of religion, race or sex; it will guarantee freedom of religion, conscience, language, education and culture; it will safeguard the Holy Places of all religions; and it will be faithful to the principles of the Charter of the United Nations”.

On that eventful day, 14 May 1948, the new state was recognised by the United States of America followed by the USSR 3 days later.

As Ben Gurion and his Zionist colleagues were issuing that declaration, their underground forces were sweeping through the land of Palestine conquering villages and expelling Palestinians from their homes. Seventeen massacres were carried out including Deir Yaseen and Tantura massacres.

The previous chapter of this website documented many of the massacres perpetrated by these gangs in pursuit of that goal. As they swept eastward, they invaded the UN declared 'Corpus Separatum' of Jerusalem and its environs in defiance of UN Resolution 181 and attacked west Jerusalem which surrendered to them at 16:36 on Friday 28 May, 1948.

It must not be forgotten that the crimes committed in Palestine and which paved the way for the creation of the so-called State of Israel, were the work of over 3000 Zionist and Israeli leaders since 1939. In the words of Dr Issa Nakhleh, author of the massive 'Encylopedia of the Palestine Problem', "these zionist and Israeli leaders were all members of the Hagana, Palmach, Irgun Z'vai Leumi, the Stern Gang, the Jewish Agency and the Jewish National Fund. Many of them became presidents, cabinet ministers, generals, officers of the armed forces...and occupied high positions in Israeli society. They are still at large enjoying the fruits of their crimes, and many of them are [today] being honoured as heads of state, Prime Ministers, cabinet ministers, and scholars of an allegedly democratic state...The victims of their crimes are called terrorists, murderers and criminals, [while] the real terrorists and war criminals are being received as respectable representatives of a democratic society".

As these fateful events were engineered in such a relatively short span of time, culminating in one people expelling another and taking over their land, they exposed a well orchestrated and carefully executed Zionist project with the blessing and connivance of major world powers and a huge amount of financial muscle. The Holocaust tragedy was injected into this project to silence any opposition to its swift and perfect execution.

By the time the Armistice Lines were drawn in 1949, approximately 20,770 square kilometers (of a total area of 26,990 square kilometers) - or 77% of Mandated Palestine were occupied by the new Zionist State...

...until, of course, June 6, 1967 when Israel conquered all of historic Palestine. 

Contrary to Zionist propaganda, Israel was not invaded in 1948 by the five Arab States. Historical records show that all the fighting took place within the terriory of Palestine allocated to the Arab State - outside the newly declared Zionist state. 

Soon after its recognition, and as the battles raged, the Provisional Zionist government declared that it will not respect the Partition Resolution 181 lines. Additionally, Ben Gurion issued a statement that "...we will remain on the offensive which will not be confined to the borders of the Jewsih State".

By the time the Armistice Agreement was signed in 1949, Israel had added, through military conquest, 23% of Palestine beyond the 55% of Palestine allocated to it in UN Res181. Israel did not only violate 'a sacred trust', it violated the Geneva Conventions as well.

Then, 1967 changed all that....again.


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