Mark Glenn: The Ugly Truth - Radio Interview with Antoine Raffoul
Mark Glenn true to his style, lays out for his listeners, at the very outset, in no uncertain terms, the price in dollars that Americans have been paying for the misdeeds of their “bestest ally” Israel, for the past 60 years and more. For those who find Mark’s commentary harsh, it rings of truth and that is all that matters today.
What Americans need to know and find out, first, is where their dollars are going; second, what those dollars are doing; third, if that is what they really want their dollars to do for their country. Nothing more. Nothing less. If they are able to link their dollars in Israel to American deaths/involvement in distant lands, perhaps when the time comes to vote, they will simply tick the right voting box. It is as simple and powerful as that.
Antoine Raffoul, a Palestinian in exile, displaced in 1948, living in London, picked the most appropriate Thomas Jefferson (3rd US President and author of the Declaration of Independence) quote to kick-start the programme: “Educate and inform the whole mass of the people. They are the only sure reliance for the preservation of our liberty”.
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